Monday, April 15, 2024

AMBULO (Arabic Manuscripts in the Bologna University Library Online)

AMBULO (Arabic Manuscripts in the Bologna University Library Online

"AMBULO" Project (acronym of Arabic Manuscripts in the Bologna University Library Online) is promoted by the King Abdulaziz Chair for Islamic Studies – University of Bologna. The project is carried out under the supervision of Prof. Ahmad Addous, and coordinated by Dr. Valentina Sagaria Rossi. "AMBULO" has actually started in September 2017 and it envisages the revaluation of one of the most important and richest collections of Arabic manuscripts hosted in a public library in Italy: the Oriental Manuscripts Fund of the University"

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Persian Manuscript Materials


Persian Manuscript Materials

"This website is dedicated to the study of the material technology of Persian manuscripts. Our goal is to investigate the intricate materials utilized in historical Persian manuscripts, shedding light on the methods and techniques derived from historical recipes mainly between the Taimurid to Qajar dynasties of Persia (15th-19th centuries).

Accompanied by images captured during the reconstruction process following the historical recipes, we aim to provide an immersive exploration into the material heritage of Persian manuscripts."

Friday, March 15, 2024

Ibn Gabirol Digital Project


This project endeavours to provide a comprehensive overview of the philosophy of Ibn Gabirol, an 11th-century Jewish philosopher from Andalusia. Within this framework, both his biographical details and philosophical writings are examined on this website through the use of multiple digital methodologies. Categorized under the domain of Digital Humanities, the project aims to expand the accessibility of Ibn Gabirol's philosophical ideas to a broader audience. By adopting this multifaceted approach, the project aims to offer a comprehensive and scholarly view of Ibn Gabirol's life and works, enriching both contemporary and future scholarship in the realm of philosophy.

The project is sponsored by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

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Thursday, March 7, 2024

LAMINE 4. An Armenian Futūh Narrative: Łewond’s Eighth-Century History of the Caliphate

Sergio La Porta and Alison M. Vacca
Series Editors: Antoine Borrut and Fred M. Donner

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The History of the Armenian priest Łewond is an important source for the history of early Islamic rule and the only contemporary chronicle of second/eighth-century caliphal rule in Armenia. This volume presents a diplomatic edition and new English translation of Łewond’s text, which describes events that took place during the century and a half following the Prophet Muḥammad’s death in AH 11/632 CE. The authors address Łewond’s account as a work of caliphal history, written in Armenian, from within the Caliphate. As such, this book provides a critical reading of the Caliphate from one of its most significant provinces. Reading notes clarify many aspects of the period covered to make the text understandable to students and specialists alike. Extensive commentary elucidates Łewond’s narrative objectives and situates his History in a broader Near Eastern historiographical context by bringing the text into new conversations with a constellation of Arabic, Greek, and Syriac works that cover the same period. The book thus stresses the multiplicity of voices operating in the Caliphate in this pivotal period of Near Eastern history. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library: A New Digital Edition of Wright’s Catalogue

Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library: A New Digital Edition of Wright’s Catalogue

Editors: David A. Michelson and William L. Potter

"Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library (SMBL) is a digital enhancement of William Wright's Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838 (London, 1870-1872), published by The Syriac Reference Portal in partnership with the British Library as an open access online resource. Using new methods of digital representation, SMBL enables users to engage with the manuscript collection from diverse perspectives, facilitating exploration of the collection according to new and multiple criteria..."

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Open Access Book: The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus


Title: The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus
Author: Reynolds, Dwight
Routledge, 2023
ISBN 9780367653613


"The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus is a critical account of the history of Andalusian music in Iberia from the Islamic conquest of 711 to the final expulsion of the Moriscos (Spanish Muslims converted to Christianity) in the early 17th century. This volume presents the documentation that has come down to us, accompanied by critical and detailed analyses of the sources written in Arabic, Old Catalan, Castilian, Hebrew, and Latin. It is also informed by research the author has conducted on modern Andalusian musical traditions in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria..."

Saturday, February 17, 2024


 Museum for Islamic Art in Berlin
 متحف الفن الإسلامي في برلين
Edited by Dima Dayoub, Zoya Masoud & Hiba Bizreh

Aleppo is probably the world’s oldest continuously inhabited urban centre, and its Old City is among the most important in the eastern Mediterranean region. Partially destroyed, in some quarters razed, the city is threatened by further deterioration and ad hoc reconstruction works. In response to these threats, the Museum for Islamic Art – Berlin State Museums is creating a catalogue documenting the Old City’s most prominent monuments. The built heritage of the city, whose importance is recognized worldwide, is being recorded for posterity and attested to as worthy of preservation in the present. This multifaceted documentation will also provide concrete help with the reconstruction.

The Aleppo Heritage Catalogue is an important part of the Syrian Heritage Archive Project at the Museum for Islamic Art in the Pergamon Museum. Since 2017, it has been financed by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Each catalogue entry focuses on the following elements of a major historic building:

  • Photos, showing the monument before 2011, based on the digital databank of the “Syrian Heritage Archive Project”
  • Reports and materials concerning damage, carried out by the “Aleppo Built Heritage Documentation Project”, being part of the “Syrian Heritage Archive Project” (which is also financed by the Gerda Henkel Foundation)
  • Art and architectural history of the buildings, written by Aleppine and international researchers and art historians.
  • Endowment history: the social history/urban historical background of the structures.
  • Memories of Aleppine people in relation to these buildings and its neighbourhoods in the form of texts, voice records and films.
  • Detailed drawings and plans of the buildings.

The Aleppo Heritage Catalogue aims to raise awareness. This means communicating with Aleppines and other Syrians about the cultural heritage of their city and country in their mother language, regardless of their political affiliation or economic and social status. Such communication could help launch a discussion among the inhabitants of Aleppo, groups with different interests, and experts. This also entails raising awareness of the Old City’s value, especially as regards its social and historical worth, responsible preservation and reconstruction.